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One of my dearest friends, Michelle Black, recently shared a podcast with me. The topic was on vulnerability. Every example of courage requires some sort of vulnerability (facing risk, overcoming weakness, etc.). I typed a few notes which were promptly lost as my screen refreshed, but something I’ve been carrying with me is the word resonance.

In many ways, I feel my work has grown too coded and personal, in that it has possibly lost its resonance with others. My experience has been so singular and self-pointed in recent years, that I draw in towards myself and find it difficult to express. How can one so vividly measure travels and transformations of the heart?

But then I receive messages from friends and followers. I know there are a few out there who are enlivened by my journey– some because they have lived and loved and lost in poetic ways; others who feel deeply; some who notice the world around them in poignant ways; and others yet, who can live in a world of imagination regardless of which corner of the world they call home.

My vulnerability may be in isolation. I craft images and spin words that speak to my own existence which is never firmly planted in any one location. I want to know more about you and yours. What are the beautiful or terrible things in your life? If you were to sit down and write a poem today, what would it be about?

Please consider this post an invitation to share your story with me, no matter how grand or small it may be. Maybe today you noticed a golden leaf falling from a tree, or a bird looked you in the eye in such a way that you were sure it saw through to your very soul. Feel free to use the comments box if you are comfortable with others capturing this glimpse into your life.




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