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Places I Slept: coming soon

When this new site launched a year ago, I titled it after a project I envisioned (Between These Things) as it unfolded during my first phase of living on the road. At that point in time, I was writing poetry and often photographing romanticized images of the American landscape. I didn’t realize all of the shifts that would take place between then and now. In retrospect, the work I set out to make wasn’t nearly as important as the work I never intended to create.

Most of these images have been kept entirely to myself until now. I read something recently about how the best art is that which is so personal it uncovers the vulnerability of the creator. I can relate to that with this collection, not just for the photography, but through the unfiltered stories that go along with the work. In a sense, it’s sort of like a behind-the-scenes of a social media feed. Many of these locations were shared in a mysterious and alluring way, but this latest representation uncovers some of the more unsettling truths from my journey.

While an e-book release will likely be available in the future, I am wrapping up a tangible collection right now. There are ten copies of not-quite books, not-quite pamphlets sitting on my entry table. I would classify them more as booklets. The printing quality is non-precious, yet I’ve trimmed and stitched each binding myself.

The images below (aside from the cover page) are ones that didn’t quite make the cut but reveal some of the locations that are featured in the booklet. Overall, it’s been a wild ride, and as life-changing as the experience of placelessness was, I’m also glad to be on the other side and to have my own bed to return to each night.

Keep your eyes peeled, especially on Instagram, for the release to be announced over the next few days. There are only a handful of copies available from this initial handmade batch, but you can get in touch to add your name for pre-ordering.

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