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Heartsong- released

Heartsong by Sanjoy Bose and Amy Parrish – (ORDER HERE)


Have you ever created something so deeply personal, you have a difficult time releasing it into the world? Heartsong is inspired by a bedtime story in India. Each night, early in our relationship, Sanjoy would call me and improvise a tale that stretched over several days. Instead of closing my eyes as I lay in bed listening to the timbre of his voice, I would reach for a pen and write down fragments from his telling.

During this time, we dreamed of having a daughter one day, if Fate were ever to allow it. We thought, wouldn’t it be wonderful to create a storybook together to read her each night before bed?

While the original telling was far too long and meandering for a children’s picture book, the story changed but remained inspired by the very same characters Sanjoy had imagined. I shaped and refined the words while he produced hand-painted illustrations to bring this imaginary world to life.

The project has been finished now for months and it’s been more than a year since illustrations were complete. I had a strong vision for a hand-crafted hardcover book (and still do), but the cost to produce something of this quality was so high that we realized no one would likely invest in it. As we have loved ones in both India and USA, it was imperative that the project remained accessible to both. I scoured publishers and self-publishers but found myself disappointed with quality, price or, in the case of finding an Indian publisher I adored, they would not review unsolicited submissions.

For months, Sanjoy and I would go back and forth, trying to decide the best option for us. All I truly wanted, was one beautifully crafted copy to read to a child. So we decided that I can do that on my own (thankfully I’ve had the practice of making handmade books), and we can share the story with others as a virtual book, where children and adults can read from their computer, tablet, or even on a cell phone (which is how Sanjoy would review updates when I lived across the sea).

So here we are, sharing our dream.

Below is a synopsis of the book from the back cover. It’s less than $6 in the United States, which keeps it under 450 rupees in India. If you would like to read our story and help support a dream, order a copy here.

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