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The high here today was 112°. The past week has surged well beyond 100° every day and I’ve been pretty much useless; spending most of my hours lounging in the only room with an air conditioner. Something as simple has hanging laundry to dry on the balcony has become a feat; I try to hop around and shift my balance before the soles of my feet begin to scald. I often tell people there is no hot water in my home besides an electric geezer connected to one of the showers (that only works while the water reservoir is completely full)…but now, I have the opposite problem with the sun beating down on exterior pipes. I have to put ice cubes in the dog’s water bowl or else it would be like drinking soup.

Soon I’ll be up in the mountains for a reprieve from the dry heat of Birbhum district. I’ve just started getting back into the blog here again…but will hit pause the next several days until I get back to sea level once again.

Here are a few images from past trips that I plan to update with new work after returning:

Or you can also find my Shanti series inspired by the essence of Himalaya by clicking here.

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