A Present Observer Laura Stevens interview on LensCulture Don't Lie To Me Paulo Coqueiro on LensCulture Responding to Tragedy with Art and Hope Joana Choumali via LensCulture Jeannie Hutchins Interview Featured on One Twelve [OFF]Limits at Chobi Mela Dhaka Tribune All That Glitters by Joel Carter Book Review for Analog Forever Tokyo Connection: Ihiro Hayami Interview published by LensCulture Creative Leaps Interview with Thea Traff of TIME... Limbs Ross McDonnell on LensCulture A Transdisciplinary Memorial to Millions Lost in 1932-33 Soviet Ukraine Lesia Maruschak feature on LensCulture Torn by Manuela Thames Interview for One Twelve Publishing Brenton Hamilton Interview for The Hand Magazine Mundane Interview with Salma Abedin Prithi for... Photographing the Balance Between Community and Isolation in a Rural Virginia Anarchist Commune Sarah Rice on Humble Arts DM Witman Interview Published by One Twelve More than OK: Jason Lee Prepares for his Premiere Museum Solo Show Jason Lee interview for Humble Arts Meeting Sofie Snezhana von Büdingen feature on LensCulture Of Poetry and Magic Munem Wasif interview on LensCulture