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Gratitude and Simple Gifts

A blanket, a piece of chocolate and a dog leash.

A few weeks ago as I was driving through Kentucky, en route to Texas, a car not far ahead of me slid on the wet pavement and crashed into a wall. I saw a woman waving her arms and chasing a dog down the side of the interstate, and another woman pulling a little girl from the smashed car. Three, small things were all I had to offer as we stood in the rain and waited for police to arrive on the scene. The dog was leashed, the little girl sucked on the chocolate through her sniffles, and the woman unprepared to stand at the side of the road wearing only a tank top had wrapped herself with the blanket in the February rain.

I was taken aback by the amount of gratitude expressed for such simple gifts. But it reminded me of all of the appreciation that has filled and fueled me through my own journey. Sometimes the little things are the greatest ones of all. There are so many people who have given me so much through their kindness and actions as I’ve made my way from here to there and back again.

These are only a few of the blessings in my life over just the past few months:

— Laura & Brooke (s) for opening the world
— Sanjoy for his love and loyalty
— the Ruosses for making me feel like part of the family
— Erin for her safe place to store my car and preparing such a comfortable landing pad
— Carole for managing important communications
— Brooke (m) for sharing her own experiences and lending an ear for mine
— Rachel for her hospitality and doggie snuggles
— Michelle for sharing her magic and friendship
— Sam for decades of laughter
— my parents for being parents and getting me back on the road and feeling well
— Nora, who opened her creative home where fairies live
— Rachel & Adam for also opening a home and their beautiful, light-filled spirits
— Mike & Deb for being forever family
— All of my clients who have continued to support me through a very long transition
— The Grisdales, especially, for recognizing the person beyond the profession
— Sandy for being one of my greatest role models
— Mary and Roberta, both opening homes and hearts
— Sarah & Jason, helping me settle in a beautiful place
— Kate with her glowing heart
— Kari, Jen, Amy, Quin, Hans; all welcoming me on a cross-country trek
— Arlene for her brainstorming (and a quart of fresh yogurt from her goats)
— Melissa & Machell who planned and organized on my behalf
— Amy (r) for sharing her community and generous heart
— Renea and Jack for a place to stay and endless puns
— Elizabeth and Ari for keeping eyes open for me
— Brenton for his kindness
— Joyce for her healing words

When I go back to think of those three small things, I remember moving to Maine in 2014 to live alone for the first time in my entire life. I had purchased a teak root bench for my fourth-floor studio. The purchase seemed like a good idea until I pulled up next to the tall, brick building. Someone was standing outside. He didn’t look like a murderer so I nervously asked if he would mind helping me get the bench into the freight elevator and then into my studio. I must not have looked like a murderer either. It was a seemingly small thing, but that was the first time I can remember really needing something, someone to help. At that precise moment, there was no one else I could turn to other than the kindness of a stranger. (Thanks, Jon.)

To everyone and more, thank you.


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